Tuesday, January 31, 2012

hmmph...1 step forward, 2 steps back

...so I took the LillyBean for a 25 minute good walk, but then I came in and jumped on the computer for 10 minutes... Houston we have a problem!!

Evidently, I suck at math... 2 hours(computer time) - 25 minutes(exercise) = 1 hour 35 minutes(time still owed to exercise)...    SOOO>>>> 1 hour 35 minutes(time still owed to exercise) + 10 minutes(computer time) = back to 1 hour 45 minutes(time still owed to exercise).

...OK, going back out to take Romeo, my three legged wonder for a little walk...


That's LillyBean in front and Romeo in the back of the pic...LOVE them ♥

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. ~Lao-tzu ...mine starts today!!

This is how this going to work...

First...however much time I spend on the computer each day...I have to do at least that much exercise or more :) ...so making some healthy lifestyle changes, more cooking at home, etc, time to make it stick! (still struggling from my head on collision, but trying to move forward physically, mentally and emotionally). 

Second...working on giving my little family the best I can, not material~just a happy fulfilled life, my daughter will be off to college before I know it :)

 Third...making some changes for myself at work. 

Fourth...working on goals and house projects, things to make our life easier around the house...so it can be the safe haven it should be, where we can relax, enjoy each other and our house full of furbabies and rejuvenate. I'm sounding a little hokey...but just looking forward to all the changes...time to shake it up around here :)

I'll be back later to update, how I used my computer minutes today...I'm rounding my total to 2 hours(by the time I downloaded, posted, etc.


Monday, January 30, 2012

Pinterest = Crack

...so my latest internet addiction, Pinterest. I love it!! It's like all that stuff you have saved to your computer, your magazine collection, the best of blogging and CRACK...rolled into one. It actually is quite inspiring in many ways, I am using it for ideas for the house, health, fun and a little daydreaming. I learned quickly I had to set a timer, I can't put the ideas into play if I don't leave the computer... Anywho, this blog is more me talking to myself...my memory that seems to be frazzled or declining...will now be documented to some extent via my little keyboard.