Tuesday, January 31, 2012

hmmph...1 step forward, 2 steps back

...so I took the LillyBean for a 25 minute good walk, but then I came in and jumped on the computer for 10 minutes... Houston we have a problem!!

Evidently, I suck at math... 2 hours(computer time) - 25 minutes(exercise) = 1 hour 35 minutes(time still owed to exercise)...    SOOO>>>> 1 hour 35 minutes(time still owed to exercise) + 10 minutes(computer time) = back to 1 hour 45 minutes(time still owed to exercise).

...OK, going back out to take Romeo, my three legged wonder for a little walk...


That's LillyBean in front and Romeo in the back of the pic...LOVE them ♥

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