Sunday, March 11, 2012 new almost self loathing confessional...

...well hello's Sunday again's agenda, so simple, but for me such a big task... THE LIVING ROOM

I want to move furniture, so I can rearrange furniture and DUST from bottom to to cathedral ceiling top. Much to do, but it just overwhelms, when your body stays in constant state of rebellion and pain. I miss being strong, I hate feeling like CRAP all the time...even with my pain meds. Today is whiny pity party day...I will wallow for awhile, then I will even be on my own nerves.

Anywho, have an appointment coming up with a medical massage therapist to help with the injuries from the head on collision. I'm about to have my 2 year anniversary from the car accident. I can honestly say I never thought I would still be feeling this CRAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Traditional physical therapy just doesn't seem to be doing what needs done...

Oh good gravy... that's enough... I can't move furniture, but I can go vacuum...well the floor anyway... The teenager will be home later...then she will get to have fun, dusting the high stuff and moving a couch or two :)

Focus on the positive, I can walk, talk, live, love and breathe...


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