Sunday, January 6, 2013

Not a blog, just my journal...for now.'s been busy, good, hard, tiring, demanding, rewarding and all over the place. Work is good, I seem to have found a good groove that balances my schedule with my limitations. I absolutely love my work! I'm very thankful for the talents I have been given.

    Pinterest is still a favorite. I've pinned some great pins and love the site. January marks a year that I have enjoyed the site. It's so silly exciting to actually "make" one of my pins. 

     This new year has prompted the continuation of a healthier me, with an even stronger desire and determination. I love cooking, especially knowing what I'm cooking it good for my health. I'm still limited physically, my left arm doesn't raise above shoulder height. I have enjoyed walks and hikes around the nearby lake, at the two local parks(they are connected). My dog LillyBean loves our walks. Romeo, my tripod can't quite make the whole 2 and 1/2 he gets shorter jaunts closer to home.

     Anywho, my plan tomorrow is to take down my outside Christmas decorations. It's been so rainy I needed them to dry out before putting them back in storage. It's a little sad seeing all of Christmas getting packed up.

     So far I'm loving 2013, so much more to come!


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