Sunday, January 6, 2013

Not a blog, just my journal...for now.'s been busy, good, hard, tiring, demanding, rewarding and all over the place. Work is good, I seem to have found a good groove that balances my schedule with my limitations. I absolutely love my work! I'm very thankful for the talents I have been given.

    Pinterest is still a favorite. I've pinned some great pins and love the site. January marks a year that I have enjoyed the site. It's so silly exciting to actually "make" one of my pins. 

     This new year has prompted the continuation of a healthier me, with an even stronger desire and determination. I love cooking, especially knowing what I'm cooking it good for my health. I'm still limited physically, my left arm doesn't raise above shoulder height. I have enjoyed walks and hikes around the nearby lake, at the two local parks(they are connected). My dog LillyBean loves our walks. Romeo, my tripod can't quite make the whole 2 and 1/2 he gets shorter jaunts closer to home.

     Anywho, my plan tomorrow is to take down my outside Christmas decorations. It's been so rainy I needed them to dry out before putting them back in storage. It's a little sad seeing all of Christmas getting packed up.

     So far I'm loving 2013, so much more to come!


Thursday, September 13, 2012

My poor neglected blog, but it's a good thing!

I looked over some of my posts...dang was I depressing! The main reason I haven't been thank goodness...I feel so much better these days. Busy, busy with much to do and enjoying things so much more. I'll be back to revamp this blog in the near future and I'm looking forward to it!

Have a good one!


Sunday, March 11, 2012 new almost self loathing confessional...

...well hello's Sunday again's agenda, so simple, but for me such a big task... THE LIVING ROOM

I want to move furniture, so I can rearrange furniture and DUST from bottom to to cathedral ceiling top. Much to do, but it just overwhelms, when your body stays in constant state of rebellion and pain. I miss being strong, I hate feeling like CRAP all the time...even with my pain meds. Today is whiny pity party day...I will wallow for awhile, then I will even be on my own nerves.

Anywho, have an appointment coming up with a medical massage therapist to help with the injuries from the head on collision. I'm about to have my 2 year anniversary from the car accident. I can honestly say I never thought I would still be feeling this CRAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Traditional physical therapy just doesn't seem to be doing what needs done...

Oh good gravy... that's enough... I can't move furniture, but I can go vacuum...well the floor anyway... The teenager will be home later...then she will get to have fun, dusting the high stuff and moving a couch or two :)

Focus on the positive, I can walk, talk, live, love and breathe...


Sunday, March 4, 2012

...figuring a few things out...

Well, I've decided I'm going to be a once a week blogger unless something good comes up...that I just need to shout from the rooftops!! I've been reading a lot of blogs, trying to figure out what I'm doing here(blogging) it an outlet for me, do I have anything to share...playing it by ear, until I find MY groove.

New work schedule is an adjustment, but something new always takes time. I guess maybe next blog, I 'll elaborate more about the pain I deal with, it's all related to a car accident, can't believe it's about to be the 2 year anniversary.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blah Blah Blah, I will be attempting my new schedule change this week... hope that helps to alleviate some of the pain and exhaustion that seem to always be present these days.

...lacking motivation today...that's a lie...I'm just lazy today and wish fast food would magically appear in front of me...ahahhaa.

...anywho, goal of the closet, I keep revamping the project, which means I have started this 82 different times and have gotten no where... why?? you ask, because I keep restarting this project in a new way...gotta pick and FINISH!!!

Enjoy your Sunday :)


Monday, February 20, 2012

...still talking to myself...

...been a bit since I popped by, so HELLO!! I've been working on some house projects, over-obsessing with Pinterest and revamping my "real job" schedule. Anywho, I'm off to make some lunch, then put some more pins into play in my closet.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Using my pins from Pinterest...tonight, Meatloaf!

So, I used a recipe I had pinned...Easy Meatloaf. I wasn't going for the healthiest, the kid has been asking for meatloaf?!? It has probably been a year or more since I made meatloaf. It wasn't the prettiest, I can say I know a couple of things I will do a little different next time. This meatloaf was like a lopsided still tasted GOOOOD! One more fun thing ...I finally used my Paula Deen dish!! Tonight was comfort food, so of course we had mashed potatoes along side. I have love for all things white and yellow... starchy and carb. My best defense was to try and add a little health  into this meal...we had fresh cantaloupe for dessert. Hope your evening was a good one!