Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Using my pins from Pinterest...tonight, Meatloaf!

So, I used a recipe I had pinned...Easy Meatloaf. I wasn't going for the healthiest, the kid has been asking for meatloaf?!? It has probably been a year or more since I made meatloaf. It wasn't the prettiest, I can say I know a couple of things I will do a little different next time. This meatloaf was like a lopsided cake...it still tasted GOOOOD! One more fun thing ...I finally used my Paula Deen dish!! Tonight was comfort food, so of course we had mashed potatoes along side. I have love for all things white and yellow... starchy and carb. My best defense was to try and add a little health  into this meal...we had fresh cantaloupe for dessert. Hope your evening was a good one!


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