Thursday, February 9, 2012

not whining, just saying...

...well yesterday about wiped me out...I worked 10-9~booked, I knew I was over doing it... however, I was smart enough to take today off(well I have to work for 1 hour), so far I've FB'd, FV'd, Pinned & going to watch Courageous & take my meds & relax... got another day of 10-8~booked tomorrow...then 9-3~booked Saturday  ...trying to stay positive, even with the chronic pain(still working with the docs), I can't believe it's almost the 2 year anniversary on the head on collision... FOOTNOTE: this is not a downer post, my life is in perspective, I could have lost a limb, instead of a break which required four different casts on my left arm, or a brace on right ankle, I can still walk and talk, live and love... just have to remember sometimes I need to remember my limits :)

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