Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blah Blah Blah, I will be attempting my new schedule change this week... hope that helps to alleviate some of the pain and exhaustion that seem to always be present these days.

...lacking motivation today...that's a lie...I'm just lazy today and wish fast food would magically appear in front of me...ahahhaa.

...anywho, goal of the closet, I keep revamping the project, which means I have started this 82 different times and have gotten no where... why?? you ask, because I keep restarting this project in a new way...gotta pick and FINISH!!!

Enjoy your Sunday :)


Monday, February 20, 2012

...still talking to myself...

...been a bit since I popped by, so HELLO!! I've been working on some house projects, over-obsessing with Pinterest and revamping my "real job" schedule. Anywho, I'm off to make some lunch, then put some more pins into play in my closet.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Using my pins from Pinterest...tonight, Meatloaf!

So, I used a recipe I had pinned...Easy Meatloaf. I wasn't going for the healthiest, the kid has been asking for meatloaf?!? It has probably been a year or more since I made meatloaf. It wasn't the prettiest, I can say I know a couple of things I will do a little different next time. This meatloaf was like a lopsided still tasted GOOOOD! One more fun thing ...I finally used my Paula Deen dish!! Tonight was comfort food, so of course we had mashed potatoes along side. I have love for all things white and yellow... starchy and carb. My best defense was to try and add a little health  into this meal...we had fresh cantaloupe for dessert. Hope your evening was a good one!


Monday, February 13, 2012

...don't give up, just start's not's perseverance

...don't ya' just hate it, when all that enthusiasm peters out before you really get going... Anywho, got a few things in the works, may actually be in project overload...I just want to be "finished" with a few things. Need a kick in the pants and a little inspiration... to try and put a couple checks on my to-do list, then I can have that..."I did accomplish something today" feeling. ...still feeling wiped out from last week, so I will be paying attention to my limits today...thinking I'm going to have to re-organize my whole work schedule. I just can't pull the hours, especially the back to back booked days...need to remember limits at work also... OK>>> positive thoughts, mind over list, here we go


Thursday, February 9, 2012

not whining, just saying...

...well yesterday about wiped me out...I worked 10-9~booked, I knew I was over doing it... however, I was smart enough to take today off(well I have to work for 1 hour), so far I've FB'd, FV'd, Pinned & going to watch Courageous & take my meds & relax... got another day of 10-8~booked tomorrow...then 9-3~booked Saturday  ...trying to stay positive, even with the chronic pain(still working with the docs), I can't believe it's almost the 2 year anniversary on the head on collision... FOOTNOTE: this is not a downer post, my life is in perspective, I could have lost a limb, instead of a break which required four different casts on my left arm, or a brace on right ankle, I can still walk and talk, live and love... just have to remember sometimes I need to remember my limits :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

... motivation...

...did not follow through as I wish I would have yesterday, guess my philosophy went something's Sunday..REST.

Anywho, today setting realistic goals...hoping to walk the dogs, organize/clean off kitchen table...and do laundry including going through closet (again)...I make more and more disappear from the closet each once over.

We have a rainy, dreary day here today, but they say it should burn off and get better this afternoon!

Enjoy your day and don't give up on whatever it is you pursue, from clearing the dining room table to sticking to weight loss goals :)


Sunday, February 5, 2012

...plans into action...

...well I've been trying to incorporate my exercise into my daily routine, had a few injury set backs there...BUT NOT GIVING UP!!

So, on this gray, rainy day, I'm going to try and put some of my Pinterest projects into to play...and make them a reality, instead of my virtual wish...

I heard there is a big football game today, maybe called the Superbowl?? If that's for you...ENJOY!!


Friday, February 3, 2012

...never give up...

Well my over zealous self, back in health mode...has done nothing but bring on Achilles Tendinitis in my left leg. Hmmph, I've had to wear that that tall boot on my right leg for about 2 months last go ' I guess I'm switching sides.

It's just frustrating when you start making the necessary efforts your body/health needs...and then your body REBELS!!

Anywho, there's my whine(wine), where's my cheese???

Off to find a better attitude and my meds...